In the year 2023, we wanted to set an intentional focus on community and the greatness of what that entails. It’s no secret that we love Lakeland and the surrounding areas.
There are so many reasons for this LOVE to be there. Having been surrounded by community in seasons of my life and complete strangers that reached out and gave their love, time and money when we took in 3 family members that needed community, when we lost my husband and even now with the outpouring of support in starting our own business. This support comes from not only people outside of real estate but also from our competitors. This town and its community loves big and shows up big. It’s what prompted us to name our website,
We’ve watched our residents ban together to support law enforcement and first responders, veterans, widows, children and the list goes on. Situations like where Megan Lewman organized our town to give a parade of sorts to a little girl that came home to spend her last days surrounded by family with a terminal cancer diagnosis. We managed to find joy within the pain and bring a beautiful moment that I know made an impact on not only that family, but our community as a whole. So many were touched by it and I am sure they left wanting to spread more love to those who need it.
So with that we bring you our “Community Matters” campaign. We have set 4 organizations to highlight to start and will bring awareness and information on where you can help these local organizations make an impact to our local residents.
We will be offering insight and shout outs to local businesses and the services that they provide and as always, we will share immediate needs that are out there. We are better together and Community Matters. Stay tuned for information on our first quarter highlight, Polk County Bully Project. You can check out their website here:
Much love,
Tamara and Glenn