Here is your Year Over Year(YoY) snapshot for the Lakeland real estate market for August 2023!
Sales price went Up: $7,786.00
Number of sales is Down: 91 units
Average days on market is Up: 16 days
List to sale ratio is Down: 1%
Inventory of for sale properties is Down: 101 homes
Attrition Rate(08/2022: 2.02 08/2023: 1.99) Down: .03
What stat are you curious about or want more information on? Let me know and I can get you the information! Have questions about the market or what the trends are, we can set up a time to meet and go over what your best options are. Real Estate is not meant for everyone all the time but it is always the right time for the right people to buy, sell, invest or refinance.