by Glenn and Tamara | Nov 6, 2023 | Lakeland Hometown Properties
Here are your weekly stats for activity in Lakeland! Homes currently for sale in Lakeland: 698–Last week we had 679 homes for sale. Inventory is trending up! ***77 of the 698 Active homes are new construction. That makes up 11% of the inventory. 114 homes were...
by Glenn and Tamara | Nov 2, 2023 | Lakeland Hometown Properties
Here are your weekly stats for activity in Lakeland! Homes currently for sale in Lakeland: 679–Last week we had 691 homes for sale. Inventory is trending up(We started the month with 567)! ***78 of the 679 Active homes are new construction. That makes up 11% of...
by Glenn and Tamara | Oct 30, 2023 | Lakeland Hometown Properties
Here is your Year Over Year(YoY) snapshot for the Lakeland real estate market for September 2023! Sales price went Up: $52,131 Number of sales is Down: 6 units Average days on market is Up: 12 days List to sale ratio is Down: Exact Same at 98% Inventory of for...
by Glenn and Tamara | Oct 30, 2023 | Lakeland Hometown Properties
Some Highlights Here’s what you really need to know about a few myths causing fear in today’s housing market. Despite common misconceptions, many people can buy a home even if they have student loans, home prices are rising nationally (not falling), and you usually...
by Glenn and Tamara | Oct 24, 2023 | Lakeland Hometown Properties
Here are your weekly stats for activity in Lakeland! Homes currently for sale in Lakeland: 691–Last week we had 618 homes for sale. Inventory is trending up(We started the month with 567)! ***85 of the 691 Active homes are new construction. That makes up 12% of...